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Different Ways to Start a Bingo Club

A bingo club should always be a sociable group. The initial thing to have is a good location which can also be the place where the group can eat. There are groups which choose a place that is open until the early morning. Some of the good places are bars and other restaurants. Make sure the place is in the central area which can be accessed by most members. Places with side rooms which have longer tables are better so everyone can sit and talk near each other.

1. Have a schedule with flexibility - After finding a good place to meet up you may ask the supervisor or owner if he can reserve one spot of the place for your group each week. Ask which day he can accommodate the group always.

2. Choose a good name for the club - Having the club incorporated or turning it into an association is not needed. Choose a name that represents the members by having a name coined after the group's favorite food or favorite place.

3.Don't vote for a group of directors anymore - The group is just a social group so there is no need to have some members to make the decision for everyone. The members should remain fair with each other.

4. Never ask for any membership charges- Charging for any fee should not be compulsory. Fees will come at a good time when the group is already working for a long time.

5. Have a big opening affair - More people will join if the group will hand out flyers to people. These flyers can be given in bars or in the supermarkets. Try to call your other friends and your neighbors to get more people to join.

Prepare yourself if you get an opening with a low turnout of people.Most groups start to get more members for a few months. To gather more members the group must always hold bingo games. Giving away prizes in money or kind will also attract members.

Tips on Maintaining the Group

1.Make a list and mail the members. Start by having a database or list of all the contact details and full names of each member. Keep it updated from time to time.

2.Keep working supplies like papers, chouette paper, notebooks, sheets for the draws and put them all in one bag or case.

3. Keep a record of the points that each member gets. Have a chosen bingo member for each month and give some thing like an award.

4.Assign a person who shall be the editor and writer for a group newsletter which can be given out in a monthly or bi-monthly basis.

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